About RheumaCura
Advocates for more scientific research into rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders. Read more...
Believes that the knowledge and experiences of those affected by these diseases should be integrated into research efforts. Read more...
Engages with the patient community.
Follows clearly defined values and principles.
Is a non-profit, tax-exempted Swiss foundation led by patients. Read more...
The story behind RheumaCura
The story behind RheumaCura began on the summit of Switzerland’s highest mountain, the Dufourspitze, which is in the Monte Rosa massif bordering Italy and Switzerland. RheumaCura President, Judith Safford, tells the story of how she got there in her TED talk of 2017. Read more...
Vision and mission
A life free from the burdens of rheumatic disorders
Our mission
RheumaCura exists to
Raise awareness about the need for and value of patient-focused research in rheumatic disorders
Ensure a strong patient voice in research into rheumatic disorders
Influence the research agenda in the interest of people with rheumatic disorders
Guiding principles
As a community of people with an interest in patient-focused research we believe that
it's essential for patients to have a voice in research on rheumatic and muskuloskeletal disorders.
everyone with a rheumatic disorder is equal regardless of their condition. We seek to create benefits for all.
it's vital to harness our collective strengths and realise synergies with other stakeholders in order to transform rheumatic disorders research in the interest of patients.
RheumaCura is a Swiss foundation with charitable status: working without personal gain for the benefit of the public good.
We are patient-focused and patient-led.
We are highly competent in representing the patient voice in research.
We act with integrity and show respect for others.
We are transparent about and accountable for our actions.
In the power of collaboration, and that it's important to share information to help progress research on rheumatic disorders.
We ensure that our work is informed by the best available scientific evidence.
We are guided by the Swiss Foundation Code. A conflict of interests policy exists and is applied.